c d] %%%%% 产生矩阵 a = [ a, b] [ c, d] >> subs(a,{a,b,c,d},{1 2 3 4}) %%%%%%% 变量赋值 ans = 1 2 3 4 补充回答,也可以采用结构变量的方法,例如: >> a = struct('x1',0,'x2',0,'x3',0,'x4',0);
%%%%%% 定义结构变量a,并初始化 >> b = [a.x1 a.x2;
a.x3 a.x4] %%%%%% 获 b = 0 0 0 0 >> a.x1 = 5;
%%%%%% 变量赋值 >> a.x2 = 6;
>> a.x3 = 7;
>> a.x4 = 8;
>> b .x3 a.x4] %%%%% 新矩阵 b = 5 6 7 8 变量a,矩阵B 直接写B(X,Y)=a就行 /** * Adds the specified element to this set y present. * More fs the specified element e to this set if * this set contains no element e2 such that * (e==null : e.equal * If this set already contains the elemll leaves the set * unchanged and returns false. * * @param e ed to this set * @ if this set did ny contain the sp * element */ public boolean add(E e) { return map.put(e, PRES;
}以上是HashSet.add说明 1 1 内容来自网友回答
判断如下集合A与B之间有怎样的包含或相等关系: (1)A={x|x=2k-1,k∈Z},B={x|x=2m+1,m∈Z}; (2)A={x|x=2m,m∈Z},B={x|x=4n,n∈Z}.